The start of the 2023 calendar of events opened in spectacular success with a car boot sale on the 22nd April. With over 80 sellers laden with bargains to be sought the car park was overflowing with visitors on the hunt. The event was a tremendous success for the Trust who managed to raise £1000 towards the lawnmower fund. Special thanks to those who gave additional donations on the day. The turnout was so great that the BBQ sold out of food before midday!
The weather was perfect with not a breath of wind and sunshine most of the time. The grass was looking particularly lush and trim. Our thanks to all the Trustees and volunteers who were out in force on the day manning the BBQ, drinks stand and entry gates, as well as marshalling the cars and setting up the fencing. A great effort that delivered great reward.
Demand seems high for a repeat event. Watch this space…
Coming up next is our Fun Dog Show on the 14th May and we look forward to seeing you there with your four legged friends.

Now that Spring has arrived, we are starting to see blossom and buds appearing on our trees and shrubs. This is a very pleasant time to visit the Gratton.

Lastly, we are delighted to announce and present our refurbished sign at the vehicle entrance to the Gratton Recreation Ground, complete with a fresh lick of paint. It is looking great.