The Gratton has a variety of outdoor gym apparatus available for anyone to use. Each piece of apparatus has a recommended routine for beginners, intermediates, and advanced. It is important that anyone using the equipment does so within the constraints of their own ability. Stop if you feel faint or dizzy.
Safety Instructions
- Users use this equipment at their own risk
- Read the instructions first and use as directed
- Do not use the equipment if it is damaged
- Children should be adequately supervised by an adult
- Only one person at a time at each training space
- Please use equipment with respect
- Do not use if under the influence of drugs or alcohole
- If you have any doubts about your health or fitness consult a doctor or training professional before using the equipment
- Stand clear when equipment is in use
Air Skier

Focuses on Cardio and Balance
Suggested exercise routine:
- Beginner: 25 each side
- Intermediate: 50 each side
- Advanced: 100 each side
Combination Lat Pull and Chest Press

Focuses on Strength
Suggested exercise routine:
- Beginner: 5 of each exercise
- Intermediate: 10 of each exercise
- Advanced: 20 of each exercise
Double Sit Up Boards

Focuses on Strength
Suggested exercise routine:
- Beginner: 5 sit-ups
- Intermediate: 15 sit-ups
- Advanced: 30 sit-ups
Double Rower

Focuses on Cardio and Balance
Suggested exercise routine:
- Beginner: 2 minutes
- Intermediate: 4 minutes
- Advanced: 6 minutes
Push-up / Dip Station

Focuses on Strength
Suggested exercise routine:
- Beginner: 0-3 dips
- Intermediate: 4-8 dips
- Advanced: 9-15 dips
Arm & Pedal Bike

Focuses on Cardio
Suggested exercise routine:
- Beginner: 2 minutes
- Intermediate: 4 minutes
- Advanced: 6 minutes
Double Cross Country Skier

Focuses on Cardio and Balance
Suggested exercise routine:
- Beginner: 2 minutes
- Intermediate: 4 minutes
- Advanced: 6 minutes
Twist Stepper

Focuses on Cardio and Flexibility
Suggested exercise routine:
- Beginner: 2 minutes
- Intermediate: 4 minutes
- Advanced: 6 minutes
Double Air Walker

Focuses on Cardio and Flexibility
Suggested exercise routine:
- Beginner: 25 strides each leg, total 50
- Intermediate: 50 strides each leg, total 100
- Advanced: 100 strides each leg, total 200