Welcome to the Gratton Trust

Upcoming Events


The Gratton car park surface is currently very uneven. Please take care when walking on it. The car park is scheduled to be resurfaced later this year following the recent excavation works.

The Gratton is a beautiful green space maintained and developed by Trustees for the wellbeing of our local residents and education of young people. 

We have a variety of facilities for sport and recreation available as well as projects for further development. 

To ensure the Gratton endures for the decades and generations to come we are reliant on your generosity.  Please see our Support Us page to contribute to the Gratton.

We are always keen to hear your suggestions and ideas for the Gratton, or if you ever have any enquiries, please see our Contact Us page.

To keep up with the latest events and news, our blog is at your disposal, and you can subscribe to our events calendar.

Please come and visit us or learn more about our history.

Gratton Trustees 2024

The Gratton Trust is a Registered Charity No. 1095628 and Company Limited by Guarantee No. 4435273 © The Gratton Trust 2022 – 2023