Recent excavations have revealed some old railway infrastructure on the embankment of the railway line, just north of where the old station was. Does anyone know what this infrastructure is?
The Trustees have surmised that it may be some sort of water interceptor tank. We imagined that dirty water would have drained out of the pipe, leading from the embankment. This water would have fallen on to the trough in the middle which pivots, flowing water either side into the gunnels. In the bottom of the gunnels are small holes, allowing water to fall into the pit below, but leaving solids behind. The pit is full of porous looking stones which look like they would filter the water. The two pipes that can be seen in photos below look like they may have been overflow pipes.

If anybody knows what this might be, or had any other information at it then please do get in touch. We would like to update the Our History page with an explanation of this feature.